The Order Fulfillment Process at MFT Fulfillment Centre

To deliver an ideal or unique customer experience that gives a customer that feel good experience, it is important to understand the order fulfillment process.

So, how does MFT Fulfillment Centre manage your orders from pick to pack to delivery?

Order Processing:                                                                                                                                                              Customers place orders online and into shopping dimensions. This order appears in our cloud-based warehouse management system instantly, through an API integration, where your shopping cart talks to our cloud-based system.

The order is registered in our system, where it instantly gets available inventory reserved for it.


The MFT Pick-Pack-Ship teams then electronically pick the items by barcode in the order and place them into a packing dock.

The packing team scans each barcode to ensure they are correct and all items are included with the order.

Quality Check:

The item is inspected for damages, weighed, and fragility confirmed.


The item is packed by our teams for shipping.


Method of transportation is determined, then packaged and shipped.


Products are tracked to ensure they are delivered to the accurate location, and customers are provided notifications on when to expect their order.

Returns Management

We manage the returns process seamlessly to keep our partners and customers happy. At MFT Fulfillment Centre, we offer free returns processing for 1 month.


Let’s partner to get your business growing with orderfulfillment and warehousing.


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